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February 17, 2005



Loathe as I am to volunteer anyone but myself... ;)

Let G or the other family geek (me) know if there is anything we can do to help solve your technical probs...


Matthew Krappman


Glad those are your only problems. Do not know if it is coincidence or not, but had difficulty wwith the external hard drive myself. Had to re-install it/re-establich the connection through the "buffalo" file. Don't know if its a help or not.

Love you.


Dan Olson

Major K, Sorry to hear about you losing your files. I've had success in recovering files from flash drives and hard drives with a free program I got at http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/uk/welcome.htm

Good Luck and Godspeed

Just hoping to help. You guys are doing something never seen before in the history of the world.


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