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March 02, 2005



Can you imagine if military and police recruits here constantly found themselves being bombed to death, how many would be breaking down the doors to fill the shoes of the dead? Day before yesterday 125 cop hopefuls were blown to kingdom come. What do you want to bet there are 125 more ready to try out. I liked the majority of the Iraqis I saw daily (though some were "shady" businessmen) I think they have just about had it with the jihadists and Baathists.

Brian H

God, this is a story that needs to be played across the world. I've picked up on the Permalink and will be speading it around. Thanks.

Vicky P

Hi Greg,
We have been lurking here for the past month or so, Peggy sent us the link. Thanks for giving us the "real" scoop there, as we can not count on the media for the truth or any positive accounts of what is happening in Iraq.
We are very proud of you and your fellow soldiers - we appreciate what you are doing. Take care of yourselves.

Your cousin - Vicky & Mike

PS - Congrats to you and Lucy, you will be terrific parents!


" I hope they are decorated with the highest honors their country can bestow upon their fallen."

Why "their" country? It was a US Convoy that they saved. I think that the U.S. should decorate them with the highest honors that we can.

Scott Allen

Thank you for this account of true courage and sacrifice.

Brian H

Scott A;
Not just courage: competence. They correctly perceived what was going on, and did what was necessary to stop it. Some of it was probably due to local knowledge, and some to training, and some to smarts. But the whole package was there.

Debbie R

Thank you. It's a shame that so many American's won't ever hear this story. Thank you for sharing it to those hear at home that seek the truth on the ground instead of what the media tells us.


If it wasn't for you and the other military blogs, we would be just as clueless as the MSM. Thanks for your blog and for all the real news. I'm glad to hear that the Iraqi's ISF are watching the backs of our military members. I am truly sorry and send my condolences to the ISF, but thank them for their bravery and for looking out for our US convoy gunners.

Mike Openshaw

Here's my suggestion. Let's take a bunch of those old Sadaam statues and melt them down for a memorial to the courage of the Iraqi people. A middle-aged woman with a dyed finger, these four IP, the policemean who grabbed the bomber out of the voting line, the little girl who sat in the road to save a U.S. convoy from a mine; the Iraqi soldiers who worked so hard and risked drowning to recover the U.S. dead from the humvee accident. That's a memorial well worth leaving the Iraqi people.

(The memorial honoring the phenominal U.S. bravery and sacrifice in this war on terror will be forthcoming as well, of course.)


I'll bet it doen't make the news. Well it has made the blogesphere. Let the links roll.

Abe of Lincoln

Thanks for sharing. I also hope Iraq will honor these heros. Is it possible for the US to do so, too?

Got the link from Ali at Free Iraqi.


You guys kick ass and words fail to express the level of gratitude I feel toward your service. Your willingness to insure my way of life and my daughters future is what separates HERO'S from ordinary humans. Thank you and thank all of your men we are all praying for your safety. Send as many HAJI'S to allah as possible.


For all our troops:


oino sakai

I seem to recall a certain Senator from Massachusetts demanding to know when the Iraqis would start bleeding for their country instead of us. Here's the answer.

And yes, Vicky P, our country used to give our medals to the personnel of our allies in order to honor their sacrifices. It's a great point.


I found this little ditty by Rudyard Kippling "Macdonough's Song"
Thought it might be something you'd appreciate. Keep up the good work, and hug an IP.

Whether the State can loose and bind
in Heaven as well as on Earth;
If it be wiser to kill mankind
before or after the birth?
These are matters of high concern
Where State-kept schoolmen are;
But Holy State (we have lived to learn)
Endeth in Holy War.

Whether The People be led by The Lord,
Or lured by the loudest throat;
If it be quicker to die by the sword
Or cheaper to die by vote?
These are things we have dealt with once,
(And they will not rise from their grave)
For Holy People, however it runs,
Endeth in wholly Slave.

Whatsoever for any cause,
Seeketh to take or give
Power above or beyond the Laws,
Suffer it not to live!
Holy State or Holy King?
Or Holy People's Will?
Have no truck with the senseless thing.
Order the guns and kill!

Once there was The People-Terror gave it birth;
Once there was The People and it made a Hell of Earth
Earth arose and crushed it. Listen, O ye slain!
Once there was The People-it shall never be again!


MajorK - Thanks for giving us this great example of the real Iraqi forces. I get so tired of hearing how badly prepared they are to take over their own security, etc. This is great stuff to keep my balance ;-)

Dee Bates

During the Iraqi elections, I read where a truck load of Iraqi soldiers were passing some people and one soldier shouted out some political statement. He was immediately cautioned by his officer that he represented the people and the state, not any particular politician. I couple this with the remarkable story you've given us and my heart soars. Both stories tell me that, for all the negative stories coming out about the Iraqi Security Forces, something is definitely going right.

These are brave people indeed, and worthy of our efforts.

Thank you.

Dee Bates

During the Iraqi elections, I read where a truck load of Iraqi soldiers were passing some people and one soldier shouted out some political statement. He was immediately cautioned by his officer that he represented the people and the state, not any particular politician. I couple this with the remarkable story you've given us and my heart soars. Both stories tell me that, for all the negative stories coming out about the Iraqi Security Forces, something is definitely going right.

These are brave people indeed, and worthy of our efforts.

Thank you.


That didn't make the news back here, I'm impressed with the bravery of the IP.


Dear Major K,
Thanks for the wonderful story (March 2) and the follow up the next day. The full story of what is happening in Iraq is not being told often enough here in the U.S. Americans who have had the privilege and responsibility of voting for 400 years can't even conceive of nations (like Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine...) that have NEVER in their past been able to vote in a free election. Are they changed? Yes, more than anyone can imagine. Those Iraqi soldiers had a dream too, as do those who continue to serve, join, vote and with our help and our sacrifices they too may be able achieve those dreams. Freedom isn't free. America continues to understand this concept and our need to participate in the support of it throughout the world. Soldiers, Marines, Navy and Air Force personnel continue to be the sharp pointed end of America's Foreign Policy spear/stick/sword.Thanks again and congratulations on soon to arrive child your magnitude of respsonsibilty increases again-to whom much is given much is expected.RECONH2O

Keith, Indianapolis

Wow. I've been watching the online news, and hadn't heard about this incident yet.

And the Iraqis have been brave. They've kept lining up to join the police and army. Bombing after bombing, they kept and keep lining up.

And each incident has made the news. Connecting the dots and explaining the context, has not been. The positive analysis has been missing. Couldn't be some bias there, right?

That incident shouldn't have gotten that far. I hope those troopers learned some lessons.

There's a shift in the news here in the states. It's very subtle. People are starting to express some optimism. People are shocked that Bush might be right. I hope you guys in Iraq are seeing that. Personally I ignore most of the big networks. Newspapers are old news by the time they're printed. Blogs from Iraq (both Iraqi and mil) give more interesting news than anything else. Heck, CENTCOM gives better information in it's press releases than the media does.

We all need to press this link over the "vast right wing conspiracy" network... ;)


Wow. Fantastic, heartwrenching story, Major K. What the heck is with the MSM with not reporting this? Thank you for keeping us informed. You are awesome.


I am a high school teacher in RI and really appreciate your blogs...we don't get the whole story from the media and it is very important to hear from the soldiers who are doing the critical work and putting themselves on the line. Stories like this one confirm how much the Iraqi people appreciate the chance to be free. Thanks for letting us read it. I will definitely be visiting this site in the future and sharing it with others.
God bless you all


outstanding web blog!
best wishes to you...be well,keep safe!


Very moving story... hats off to the Iraqi's who are fighting for their chance at freedom and democracy. May those who cherish life and freedom gain victory over those who wish for totalitarianism and death.

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