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May 10, 2005



Maj K-
I saw the pic you posted (the little girl getting new shoes) on AKO this morning, and thought..."HEY! I've seen that picture before!" hahahaha.....

Most excellent! Wouldn't it be nice if thost kind of pictures were the ones making the news everyday?



I thought I saw that picture on CENTCOM news a couple of weeks ago. It was actually the 4 April news release, "Teddy Bear, Shoe Donations in Al-Dora Go Extra Mile" Of course, the caption for the picture read like this, "Spc. Jeff Sinclair, an infantryman assigned to 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, and a native of Modesto, Calif., hands a teddy bear to an Iraqi child in the southern Baghdad neighborhood of Al Dora March 16. Sinclair is employed as a police officer in California." Typical Army, he was tieing on shoes, not handing out Teddy Bears!

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