Almost every week, LT C. and I meet with Col K. and his men from the Presidential Security Detail. I look forward to this meeting every time. They are charged with protecting the Iraqi President, Mr. Talabani. We meet to exchange information, see if we can help each other, and discuss the latest threats against our areas of responsibility. They are the nicest people that you could ever meet. Every time we come, they serve us lunch, and it always an impressive spread. Other than security issues, We talk about our families, life back home, plans for the future, our shared values despite religious differences and how beautiful Sulimaniyah is. I look forward to visiting there in the years to come. It is the Capital of the Kurdish region up near the Turkish border. It is said to be a beautiful mountain city, clean and stable. They are very adamant that it is much nicer than Baghdad. Even though we speak through an interpreter, the conversation is great. We even discuss the no-no's like politics and religion. Did I mention how delicious Kurdish food is? That is the part our Soldiers always enjoy the most. When we went there escorted by the Recon Platoon for the first time, they had a blast. They were raving about the food. They told me that they needed to be my security detail more often. It is always good to visit the PUK - Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, as their party is called. My security guys get along there so well, they have started bringing combat medics to give informal checkups to the local neighbors. I have posted a new gallery with some of the photos from our visits. I will add to it in the future.
I love the pictures! I look forward to returning to Turkey. We'll have to stop and visit the Kurds...
Posted by: Lucy K | May 12, 2005 at 11:35 PM
Kurdistan is the future "switzerland" of the Middle East.
Its economy is booming (thanks to the Yanks) and they are great America lovers.
Please help them as much as you can - Kurds are proud and loyal and open minded people and will reciprocate.
There is nobody in the whole of M.E. (except Israel) that are more Western in their outlook.
Posted by: assadolla | May 13, 2005 at 12:14 AM
Thanks for sharing the photos! My husband was one of those in your PSD that day. I loved the photo of his big smile while stuffing his face! I am sure he was one of the guys raving about the food. He mentioned to me in a phone call home about how great the food was in that meeting. I don't hear anything about what goes on for him outside the wire, but I did hear about the food! Again Thanks so much for the pictures and I enjoy reading your blog.
Posted by: JSM | May 13, 2005 at 12:30 AM
Wow, what a spread on the table!
I'm hungry now :-)
Posted by: Agnieszka O. | May 13, 2005 at 12:31 AM
if people ever wanted to look into the heart of Americans, you and your men are it... if only the rest of the Iraqi people could accept that our intentions truly are noble...
Thank you for being such a good representative of the rest of us...
Posted by: Some Soldier's Mom | May 13, 2005 at 08:03 AM
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the pics.
Posted by: Dan | May 13, 2005 at 08:13 AM
As a Kurd from Sulaimanya, I shall respect your greatness for saving our people.
Enjoy our Kobabs back home as I am jealous for not having any in the past 9 years.
All the best,
Lawk Salih
Posted by: Lawk Salih | October 22, 2005 at 04:16 AM
Hello There. My boyfriend s from this city and he is driving me crazy by telling me that i have to go and see where he is born and how his country looks like. But im afraid in a way. How is the life there? Are there many tourists?Is it war around?can you see ppl with guns and terror around? He says that is nothing like i think and that is verrryyy verrryyy nice there. If somebody lives there or have been there will mail me and write about id be really glad. thx guys,
Ps: my e-mail: [email protected]
Posted by: Andreea | February 27, 2008 at 02:53 PM