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May 30, 2005



Thanks for serving, Major K. Thanks for your sacrifice. Thanks to your wife for her sacrifice. I will be saying prayers for you and others serving in Iraq and around the world. I will say prayers for families of the fallen. You are my heroes.


Hey Major-

Thanks for all you do. This Memorial Day I am doing all I can to celebrate in a way that honors your service and those who have died or been injured fighting for our country- and in many cases, for somebody else's country.

You will not be forgotten.

Matthew Krappman

Thanks, Greg.


I am sorry to have to put this in your comments. I tried to e-mail this to you. Thank you MajorK. Thank you for your bravery, thank you for the sacrifices of both you and you family, and thank you for defending my freedoms. You are what this nation was founded on. You are part of a volunteer army. You have chosen to make my life betterand to defend my rights. Thank you, Thank you. I humbly thank you.


We won't forget all of you and what you've given in defense of freedom. We're forever grateful.


Major K,

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. You are not only serving in your job, but on this blog as well. Blogs like this are unbelievably critical to the public's knowledge of what is happening in Iraq. You are really doing the military proud.

Intel inside the beltway is tough, so I can imagine doing the job in a war zone. It is par for the course that Intel takes the fall when something goes wrong, and stays invisible
when something goes right. Making the warfighters look good is part of the satisfaction when things do go right. As you already know, a person who needs alot of public appreciation and recognition isn't suited for this line of work. Your quiet determination to keep going is keeping your readers' confidence up about the overall situation there.

Please pass along our thanks to those you work with. The lesson to take out of the Pantano case is that the public will rally behind any soldier whom they perceive is getting a raw deal.

With the media over here being hypercritical of all things military, and providing disproportionate coverage to the bad, the balance you provide by telling your personal story is invaluable.



Thank you. We're endlessly proud of you folks.



I am am a man of few words and not terribly elegant with the ones I know.

Thank you to you and all of your men for what you do.

De Opresso Liber.


Major K, I just wanted to stop in and say Thank You for serving and fighting to protect my freedoms. I do appreciate all that you are doing. I was sent here via stemily (Katy); thanks again and God Bless!

Some Soldier's Mom

Today, when I thanked my son for his service, his simple response to me was "it's my honor to serve". When I thanked my other "son" V., he said, "proud to do it". They are each 20 years old and serving in the Sandbox. I am humbled by their sacrifice and attitudes. And thank you, too, Major K.


I want you to know how much your service means to all of us. Thank you.


For all our troops:

Iraq & America the Beautiful: http://solomon2.blogspot.com/2005/02/america-beautiful-3rd-stanza.html

Plus an anniversary review to my founding "Why is the U.S. in Iraq" post: http://solomon2.blogspot.com/2005/05/why-is-us-still-in-iraq.html


it's Erhabi not Arhabi. how much longer do you have to be in iraq to learn one word, ya qashmar?

another iraqi

Get out of our country, you bunch of "Arhabeez"

A Third Iraqi

Why dont you give your password to your friends to start updating the blog after you.... go to the farm.

the last Iraqi

good night sweetie

Jim M (Vietnam Era)

Maj. K
I spent Memorial day like I do every year (37+ so far)thinking of my fellow veterans from Vietnam.

I wish you & your soldiers the very best today and every day for the rest of your lives. I pray that you return home to your families & loved ones safe and sound, in body, mind & spirit. If not, then you must all know that you & your sacrifices will not be forgotten.

Your fellow soldiers will remember your personal sacrifices as no one else every can by living the same hardships in country. The bonds between soldiers/warriors are life long in each generation. It is a bond steeled in sweat, hardship, blood & tears.

God Blees You All and your service to our contry!


Our flag was proudly raised, prayers offered, and tears shed for those whose lives were given for a cause so great. Our pride is never ending....we are free Americans because of our brave soldiers. Our gratitude to your and your band of brothers cannot be put into words. God's speed today and all your tomorrows. Sincerely, Julie Harris


Thank you for your service, Major K. Also, I express my gratitude for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice that I might sit here and surf my computer into a war zone.

116 degrees. Do you guys have fire proof gloves or something to wear when you check the oil on those machines? I remember two summers here when it got up to 106 and 109 and I had no air conditioning. Just touching my bed was a real scorcher.

Hey, I heard that an intelligence officer was killed. I am GLAD IT WAS NOT YOU!! "Stay alert. Stay alive."

Also, am I way off base or did they catch the King of Clubs?

Thanks again.


Some Soldier's Mom

to the alleged iraqis posting on your site... our brave american soldiers will leave iraq just as soon as the honest and honorable iraqis are capable of defending themselves against the trash the desert pukes your way -- you know, the ones that don't want you to have internet access because it's an infidel invention...

Ginny Cronin

To the "iraquis" posting---don't mess with my brother---you don't klnow what you are up against.

To Greg-

I love ya bro--Thank you and Godspeed-Ginny

"the iraquis"

mommy--FYI, iraqis had internet access before your invasion, and will still have it after your asses are kicked out, take your son back before its too late

ginny girly-- why dont you come visit your brother, i'm sure you'll like it here...

and... to prove we are Iraqis....

"Kos Omkom". It means welcome to iraq.


...To those lowlife "alleged" Iraqi's.....KO OM KOM back at ya!

Better yet!


And for those wondering what THAT means.... "your mothers P***y,"... lowlifes in Iraq use it as "Motherf****r, which is what all three of those fools are.

Kos Om Mack...The worst insult you can hurl at at Arab is to insult his mother...and since your such lowlifes, I shall hurl it at you again with great pleasure!



A Heartfelt, albeit,belated Memorial Day "THANK YOU"

I am forever grateful for all the sacrifices our troups have made, now and in the past, who understand freedom is never free, and must be protected and defended at all times.

To those that paid the highest price, "May Angels Sing Thee To Thy Rest,Sweet Prince and Princess".... you are gone but NEVER Forgotten!

God bless America!

David Oatney

Major K;
I want you to know that myself and as many of my friends who are now reading your blog are praying both for you and all of our heroes, your fallen comrades.

God go with you

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