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May 10, 2005



You GO Major K.... both of you will will remember this forever!!! Good job!!!


Major, with an intro like that your light Col may even get some of the pretty boys after him. But remember who's fault it was...
Oh well, you got your 1st Sgt and senior NCO's to run interferance for you guys.
Wish I had cadre like you when I was a pup. (1968)

Oops wrong branch...
Kermit CTM2 1968


Major K,

Your Lt. qualifies as a hottie...sadly wrong side of the Country for this girl. Hmmmm... I do have a friend in Studio City right near LA though. She is 36 single, tall, red hair, beautiful and most importantly has a kind heart. Let me know if your LT. is interested and I will get them in touch with each other.



starting your OWN military dating service now are we? :) I think it's great, really! There are alot of us single women out there who adore men in uniform...and HOOYAH he's got TWO of em to pole dance in for us LOL

priceless, once again Maj K. You rock, definitely!


Major K;

Love your site and read it just about every day. I work work with your Lt C back in the world. You'll have some jelous ladies back at work when they see this. They think Lt C belongs to them, especially one certain girl. But anyway. tell him hi from me and the gang and both of you stay safe and come back to your loved ones.




PS You are right, he'll never live this one down back at work....right LT C!


how bout some younger officers for this 21 year old military daughter/ sister/ granddaughter/ niece/ cousin? :) Preferably in the San Diego area, but I am going to Egypt for a year in August... Any embassy guards available?


Major K,

Very interesting indeed. Its ashame I live on the East Coast. :( Cool you could start your own dating service. What do you think about this? HAHA. Like you aren't busy enough, right? "You do rock" like J said I am in my 30's.
... Now how about an officer and a gentleman from the East Coast- LOL ; ) Just a thought. :)
Keep up the good work and God Bless you!


That cracked me up....you're doing a promo for singles!! What better time than now. :)

Pete H.

Leroy! Gary just emailed this picture of you all over the station. Good luck with the ladies (the one in the picture looks a little too young for you.) Stay safe over there and let me know if you need me to send any contraband over to you. HA! Keep your head down and your eyes and ears open. Come home soon so we can show you how to be a cop again! SEMPER FI

Jay Garacochea

Leroy: I will be sure to post this in the station for you. The guys will get a kick out of it. Be sure to keep your eye out for a package that I sent you. Sorry no Jack, didn't want you to start a drunk beer fight. Get home safe!


Commander Dan

Hehehehe...MAJ K, running a dating blog now?


Damn.....where was LT C when I LIVED in Hollywood????

Im sure this hot, kind, heroic soldier and cop will have more ladies fawning over him than Brad Pitt!

I am thinking about moving BACK to LA!!! ;)

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