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June 04, 2005



Thanks for the update, Major. I get about 20% of my news from over here and the other 80% from guys like you, Howdy, and Hurl. Stay safe.


Major K,
In your opinion, Armost of these attacks by Iraqies or poeple from other countries? Please stay safe;). Got that BOY:)YOU HAVE TO BE THERE FOR.

Lisa Gilliam

Thank you Major K. for giving us the real deal on what is happening in Iraq.I get most of my news from you guys now.You know what is going on
over there and I trust you to not give us a load of bull like we get from the fifth estate.I wish you guys and gals all the best and stay safe over there.


MAJ K - Just found your site. Doing what we can back here to help you out. Just started a blog, and as disturbing as it is, even the regional papers (like the News & Observer here in Raleigh) are spinning the story. See the latest here from the N&O editorial page editor - rightinraleigh.blogspot.com. - LTC Pierce


..Major K...Just now beginning to get around some to as many troops that will put up with me..and be careful how you use that term "LeatherNeck"..or one of us just might take offense..My personal favorite is "Jarhead"..That..I relate to..just don't call me late for dinner..LOL..
..I did a tour in Viet Nam so I am somewhat familiar with what you all have to contend with on any given day..Bless the internet..and blogs..as with so many others..I pray for all of you and your safety..and can't begin to emphasize the encouraging stories coming out about 'our' Iraqi Troops..Hoo-Rah..I get chills..This is good news..Before long you will be have to be moveing out of thier way..and I personally don't see a thing wrong with that..May make the whole thing worth while..
..I feel a tremendous amount of Pride in what you all are doing..helping make the world a safer place to live and exposing these "scumbags" for what they really are..Cowardly Dogs..
..As with T6..Howdy..Hurl..and now you..We Viet Nam Vets have a special lady out there who has devoted a large portion of her time to supporting vets..with music..Weezye..and her husband chu65nang67..This last Memorial Day she dedicated a whole web page to just one song.."Thank You"..I am trying to get it out to as many active service people as I can..Hits right at the heart..Written by a man who's Uncle was killed in Viet Nam..and I think the rest speaks for it self..
..So..you all be safe..there are those of us that have been there and are with you today..Semper Fi..Enjoy..


..Major K...Just now beginning to get around some to as many troops that will put up with me..and be careful how you use that term "LeatherNeck"..or one of us just might take offense..My personal favorite is "Jarhead"..That..I relate to..just don't call me late for dinner..LOL..
..I did a tour in Viet Nam so I am somewhat familiar with what you all have to contend with on any given day..Bless the internet..and blogs..as with so many others..I pray for all of you and your safety..and can't begin to emphasize the encouraging stories coming out about 'our' Iraqi Troops..Hoo-Rah..I get chills..This is good news..Before long you will be having to be moveing out of thier way..and I personally don't see a thing wrong with that..May make the whole thing worth while..
..I feel a tremendous amount of Pride in what you all are doing..helping make the world a safer place to live and exposing these "scumbags" for what they really are..Cowardly Dogs..
..As with T6..Howdy..Hurl..and now you..We Viet Nam Vets have a special lady out there who has devoted a large portion of her time to supporting vets..with music..Weezye..and her husband chu65nang67..This last Memorial Day she dedicated a whole web page to just one song.."Thank You"..I am trying to get it out to as many active service people as I can..Hits right at the heart..Written by a man who's Uncle was killed in Viet Nam..and I think the rest speaks for it self..
..So..you all be safe..there are those of us that have been there and are with you today..Semper Fi..Enjoy..


..opps..told I was new at this..which way did they go George..Semper Fi..


Major K., my thoughts here: http://solomon2.blogspot.com/2005/05/why-is-us-still-in-iraq.html. Could I be right, or is it just garbage?



FYI: Gleppie and I just got back from the midwest. There's currently a candle burning bright at the Grotto in hopes of your safe return at the end of your duties.

Be well, and Congrats on the healthy boy-to-be.




Good blog.

Neil - Airborne!


And may I suggest you use "Baby
Sign Language" to be able to communicate with your child before they can speak. It not only reduces the fustration both the parents and the child feels, it also increases their intelligence, knowledge and enhances their learning the spoken language.

Please, Take Care!!!



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