His/Her/Its IP address is: It has posted comments under the names Cindy West, Jim Zeal, and Armystud. I wonder where this troll came from as he is hiding behind the anonymity of multiple bogus e-mail addresses. As usual, it lacks the cojones to even send me an e-mail, but hurls insults on the web. I invite you, whoever you are, to send me an e-mail and tell me exactly what makes me a bad officer. As I am no longer with the Nightstalkers, if by the remote chance you happen to be one, have at it. I can not harm you professionally. Have the guts to identify yourself and call me out. I doubt you are or ever were in the service, as you cannot even show a modicum of courage, even in "cyberspace." Or, if you prefer, we can discuss my alleged narcissism and poor leadership in person. Anytime, Anywhere...
Where do these trolls come from?
Please find out who it is and post for ALL to see. You're not the only one getting hit with this crap and somehow it needs to stop. From other sites, it appears that some of these are coming from military personnel. If that's true, I feel even worse for those of you who have to serve with the spineless dweebs.
Posted by: SK | September 02, 2005 at 05:00 PM
Just an FYI, as I work in networking I noticed that the IP address you posted there ( is a reserved private IP address, meaning that it is not routed over the internet and reserved just for private networks. See RFC1918 http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1918.txt
So most likely the IP address is on a local network not routed over the internet, or the IP is being spoofed. You probably already know this, but I though I'd point it out just incase. Good luck, and thanks again for what you do!!
Posted by: Brad | September 02, 2005 at 05:56 PM
Please don't let people like that discourage you. I'm sure there are many like me who read your blog but don't voice our support often enough or at all.
I can understand how getting vicious e-mails can demoralize when there aren't others to give you the proper praises.
Good work requires good men and women. Thank you for being such.
Posted by: OE | September 02, 2005 at 05:59 PM
Hang in there Major. We know who you are and what you do; you're one of the many good ones working to make this world a better place. Don't let this jerk get you down. If you find out who this "brave" a$$hole is, let us know.
Posted by: Bert | September 02, 2005 at 06:57 PM
I just found your blog!! I agree with OE & SK. Dont let this bastard get to you.
I dont have the words to express my appreciation for all the great work you and my other brothers and sisters are doing for Iraq and for our country here. Thank you. And thank you for sharing with us.
Posted by: anj | September 02, 2005 at 07:00 PM
Expose them to the light of day. These low lifes don't want to stand up and take responsibility. Typical liberals, spit on the heroes who protect them.
Posted by: JoeS | September 02, 2005 at 07:01 PM
I'm a regular at ITM. Lately we've been experiencing some particularly vicious postings, beyond the usual cranky insults from real people. Because the hosts wanted the comments section to continue, they first announced, and eventually enforced, commenting rules, which include a warning and a ban for bad behavior.
While I think your cindy west/army stud/jim zeal troll can an should be banned, I also think it's time for our internet-savvy readers to do a little detective work. Individual nutcases, of course, are of no concern.
Posted by: Valerie | September 02, 2005 at 07:41 PM
It is unfortunate,but even in America,about 5-10% of our own population are really bad people.
That would mean almost 30 million of us if I'm right and I take the % from my nephew ,a cop who says about 10% are criminals on average.
They cannot dimish the work and character of the 90% or the few such as you who volunteer to risk your life to help the rest of us.
On earth,it rains on the just and the unjust alike.
Posted by: Patrick | September 02, 2005 at 09:42 PM
Don't get discouraged by the viscious comments of a few. Obviously, whoever it is does not have the guts to come out in the open.
Keep up the good work.
And if you do find out who the a..clown is, expose him/her!
Posted by: Spitfire101 | September 02, 2005 at 09:51 PM
You asked where they come from.....I would say: from the same end of the gene pool where the gun-toting looters and morons who are shooting at rescue helicopters in New Orleans came from... just an observation......ya' know... there are no lifeguards at the shallow end of the gene pool.....don't let these idiots ruffle even one feather, they're not worth your time and attention! Thanks again for being there, doing what you do.
Posted by: Sharon | September 02, 2005 at 10:39 PM
Assuming the Jihadi's don't have a psyops cell capable of mastering the art of IP spoofing is probably underestimating them.
10,11 and 192 series IP numbers are all theoretically internal. As typepad is a hosted service, the IP's are either spoofed, or are being generated by someone at the hosting company.
Call me paranoid, but I'd go with the psyops cell looking to demoralize anyone who posts something positive.
Posted by: Soldier's Dad | September 02, 2005 at 11:07 PM
It took years to get used to the morons like this Bozo when I got back in 72. The worst of the bunch are the "But I was protesting for you" whiners. Stay safe & protect your people.
Posted by: Don | September 02, 2005 at 11:58 PM
A coward like that will never face you, directly or through E-mail. Just consider the source and ban the address.
Thank you for being on the greatest team fighting for a free and civil society in an area of the world which has never experienced one, and protecting those who enjoy the benefits (even those who are so ignorant and foolish so as not to understand the blood sacrifices from which they spring).
Posted by: Edward | September 03, 2005 at 09:31 AM
Hang in there bro. Who ever this is, he/she/they will eventually get tired of the games and find something else to do with their time. Keep up the posts and keep your head down! If you find time, take a look at http://greatcountry.blogspot.com. I set this up over here in Iraq.
Posted by: Chris | September 03, 2005 at 08:03 PM
Scanning other popular milblogs lately, seems obvious that this is an orchestrated campaign to demoralize the troops. Good news is, they are as subtle as a train wreck. BAD news is they're utterly vicious. Their aim is to get under your skin--- and boy are they good at that! The wife of another popular milblog(365 & a wake up)was recently the object of a nasty campaign-- he dealt with the jerk appropriately by publishing the guys' email address.
I repeat... these guys-- and yes I'm assuming they are guys--- have other "issues" in their life. They pick on you because they never have to face men like you. They are insanely jealous of men like you. You represent everything that they are not. Strong, smart, masculine, ATTRACTIVE to the opposite sex. I'm guessing these fools haven't had much female attention lately-- if ever. Like I said before, Freud would have a field day.
Just be aware they're out there.
We know who they are since they reveal themselves constantly.
Posted by: Beth Powers-Lamm | September 04, 2005 at 09:27 AM
Scanning other popular milblogs lately, seems obvious that this is an orchestrated campaign to demoralize the troops. Good news is, they are as subtle as a train wreck. BAD news is they're utterly vicious. Their aim is to get under your skin--- and boy are they good at that! The wife of another popular milblog(365 & a wake up)was recently the object of a nasty campaign-- he dealt with the jerk appropriately by publishing the guys' email address.
I repeat... these guys-- and yes I'm assuming they are guys--- have other "issues" in their life. They pick on you because they never have to face men like you. They are insanely jealous of men like you. You represent everything that they are not. Strong, smart, masculine, ATTRACTIVE to the opposite sex. I'm guessing these fools haven't had much female attention lately-- if ever. Like I said before, Freud would have a field day.
Just be aware they're out there.
We know who they are since they reveal themselves constantly.
Posted by: Beth Powers-Lamm | September 04, 2005 at 09:28 AM
I went to a site that I know called ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) and entered that ISP address. Here is what I got as a result.
OrgName: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Address: 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
City: Marina del Rey
StateProv: CA
PostalCode: 90292-6695
Country: US
NetRange: -
NetName: RESERVED-10
NetHandle: NET-10-0-0-0-1
NetType: IANA Special Use
Comment: This block is reserved for special purposes.
Comment: Please see RFC 1918 for additional information.
Updated: 2002-09-12
Posted by: Jonathan P | September 05, 2005 at 02:49 AM
Ignore him, son. Stay on your mission and stay on your message. This is a psyops operation against you, so just ignore it. No one in their right mind would doubt you.
Keep up the good work. Keep spreading the real good word.
Press on. To Victory.
Posted by: Subsunk | September 05, 2005 at 05:58 AM
The troll is defininetly someone local to Typepad, meaning that they are posting from a machine within Typepad's internal network
As SK noted, addresses beginning with 10. are 'private' addresses. This means that data packets originating from an adress beginning with 10. are not allowed to pass across Internet routers.
Because posting on a blog requires packets to flow both ways, this poster cannot be posting from anywhere on the Internet, or his packets would be dropped by his ISP, and the Typepad server's reply packets would be dropped by typepad's ISP, making a connection impossible.
I recommend you notify Typepad that your site is being trolled by a host local to their organization. I am more than happy to help with this issue if you need a hand.
Posted by: BenJCarter | September 06, 2005 at 09:21 AM
ARGH!!! Wassup with these creeps?! grrr......
Posted by: Kat in GA | September 06, 2005 at 05:00 PM