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November 17, 2005



It is so nice to hear good news from the soldiers. The MSM would have you believe it's all a failure there. Thank you and bless you! Stay safe!


Agree with Anna, it's all doom and gloom according to them. Thank you for reporting in with such positive news Major K. You're all in my prayers, keep safe!

Wild Thing

Hi MajorK thank you so much for sharing with us. It is very good news and I am thrilled about Major General M that is great!
Take care and stay safe.

Elmira Viking

Rock on MGM !!

Army Girl

Wow.. don't I know the truth of these statements.

Congrats again.. for you, for the new CO and for all who serve under him.

Natural leaders are not to be taken for granted!

(Too bad we can't steal him!)


Hi MajK,
That is great news! And you have worked to give him the good staff and NCOs that he needs to be successful. May this be a match made in heaven.

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