Congressman and Col John Murtha, USMCR - Ret. is by all accounts a bona fide American Hero. He has bled for this nation in a foreign land and shown great courage. He has now called for the establishent of a rapid timetable for the withdrawal of US Troops from Iraq, stating that we "have done all we can do." Colonel, I could not disagree more. Unlike the mudslingers in Washington D.C. and the Media, I don't believe that Col. Murtha has anything but the best of intentions and the welfare of the troops at heart, so I will not slight the man's character in the least. I do, however, believe he is making a critical error. The case has been made many times, and well, by others that establishing a timetable for withdrawal merely tells our enemies how long they need to go underground to conspire and train their thugs before unleashing them on the people full-scale. I will not bother with repeating that argument. I wish to explore a few other points instead.
We are far from having done all we can do. Part of the US Military Culture that makes us so effective is our qualitative approach. This is especially the case in combat units. In my 13 years in the service, I have heard: "We work to a standard, not to a schedule" a countless number of times. Quitting time comes when the task is accomplished to standard, which is almost never 5pm. We have our objectives to meet:
- Kill or capture terrorists
- Restore Infrastructure and Services
- Establish and protect a functional Iraqi version of Democracy
- Establish better respect for individual human rights
- Train the Iraqi Security Forces to do/facilitate the same
All of these objectives are intertwined. And from my view, we are not done yet by a long shot. The killing and capturing of terrorists has slowed down the progress of all the other objectives. Americans seem to have a "microwave popcorn mentality" about these things. I know that most Americans will forego the 10-minute popcorn on the stove for the 2-minute popcorn in the microwave oven. This is one of the many nice things about living in an industrialized nation. The problem is that war is not popcorn and countries are not appliances. Instant gratification is not on the menu.
This country has a culture with different sensibilities from our own. Like many others in the world, this has never been a full-scale first world nation. When it was growing, starting to move toward that end and prospering, it was taken over by what can only be called a mafia family and driven into the ground by 3 horribly destructive wars leaving its people in fear, it's infrastructure destroyed, and the landscape crawling with thugs and criminals formerly employed by the government or recently released from prison. The land mass is about the size of California and population is greater than that of Texas. What has happened to this country makes hurricane Katrina look like spit on the sidewalk. THERE IS A HUGE MESS TO CLEAN UP AND A CULTURE TO REHABILITATE, not to mention an army to rebuild. Three years, with fighting continuing, is a blink. It took over a dozen years to get from the declaration of the Declaration of Independence to the ratification of the US Constitution, and there were still several rebellions and a horribly bloody civil war to follow. The Iraqis are way ahead of the power curve on a historical basis.
We left this this job half done before, and the vipers' nest remained. Thousands of Shia in the south were murdered because they thought we would help them in their uprising. Our aircraft enforcing the UN mandated no-fly zones were fired upon daily - read: Acts of War. And this remained a preferred retirement home/vacation spot/training academy/financial endowment for terrorists. It was not the only one, but it was a prominent one. Now the terrorists have been put out of the government and into the shadows, where for three years they have been hunted. We have culled the herd, but the population is still large enough to warrant keeping the guard dogs busy. If we leave or give notice, we will, like in Somalia, leave the power to be restored to the vermin. Saddam will have been replaced, but it will be the same vermin surrounding the new boss. If you ask me, I really don't care if my cement shoes are made by Gambino or Gotti. Iraq was not a peaceful place before we came here, it will be worse if we leave before we have met the standard. It's going to take a few more years. If I have to do another tour, so be it. I won't like it, but I'll do it because it needs to be done.
I have to give Congressman Murtha credit in yet another regard. Of all of the carping, nitpicking and fault-finding I have heard from those complaining about how badly this is going, he is one of the few with the guts to offer another idea. Many have said, "well we never should have gone there." Nice sentiment from a Monday-morning quarterback, but no longer relevant. The question is, what now? Unless you are going to step up and suffer the backlash of those who call for a pull out, shut up if you don't have a better idea. Again, I think a pullout or notifying our enemies, who may yet be pursued elsewhere, of our pullout date is a horrible idea. But empty nit-picking is worse. Our military has always been strong, but our national will seems constantly in doubt.
We have a standard to meet, and if allowed to do so by our people and our leaders, we will.
I believe Col John Murtha, USMCR - (D)PA, could use some leadership training from your own Major General M.
Posted by: David | November 19, 2005 at 07:36 PM
nicely put, greg. i'm proud of you.
Posted by: paully | November 19, 2005 at 07:45 PM
The House of Representatives voted. 309-112 against an immediate pullout. In the end, responsibility prevailed.
Posted by: Soldier's Dad | November 19, 2005 at 08:04 PM
Very clearly stated without all the hoopla the media tries to hype into it. Couldn't agree with you more!
Posted by: Melinda | November 19, 2005 at 08:15 PM
* Kill or capture terrorists
* Restore Infrastructure and Services
* Establish and protect a functional Iraqi version of Democracy
* Establish better respect for individual human rights
* Train the Iraqi Security Forces to do/facilitate the same
I find myself looking at the bullet points and I'm thinking "they are in the wrong order", we can not kill our way to victory. I may not be the best qualified person to give this answer, as most of my experience comes from PC based wargames BUT I have always found that it is best to have a functioning economy first and to deny your opponent the same, then kill what remains of your enemy as it very simply cannot be reinforced. IF we are going to win this thing ( and our will to succeed looks as if it is in doubt) we need to tackle this to where we win the 'moral' portion of this fight as that will break a good portion of the enemys economy.
*Restore Infrastructure and Services- This comes first, and should employ as many Iraqis as possible, give a reason to be bought in, and a less risky way to provide for their families.
*Establish better respect for individual human rights- The all important "why", a reasoned structure of belief around some larger then oneself or clan, a "superclan" if you will, to tolerate those outside the narrow visions that clans will always provide.
*Train the Iraqi Security Forces to do/facilitate the same- If this is to succeed, then those in power must understand it is their best intrest to "lead by example". There can be no perception that law and order are arbitrary or on an uneven scale.
*Establish and protect a functional Iraqi version of Democracy- After the first three are in place can meaningful Democracy take place. As we see in America a bitter clannish and undereducated populace does not make good decisions and sputters more on momentum than true inspired vision.
*Kill or capture terrorists.
Posted by: Richardgozynya | November 19, 2005 at 08:28 PM
"We have a standard to meet, and if allowed to do so by our people and our leaders, we will."............
I know you will, gosh you already are. Our troops are the best in the world, I just wish the politicians would get out of the way.
I LOVE your post!
Posted by: Wild Thing | November 19, 2005 at 09:33 PM
I should have mentioned it more explicitly I suppose. The tasks are in exactly the right order. Check out Maslow's heirarchy of needs: and you might better understand that those that are freezing, starving or suffering from a sucking chest wound don't care about high-minded ideas like morals or accountable democracy.
PS - Use a pseudonym like that again (you may think it funny) and your IP will be blocked.
Posted by: Major K. | November 19, 2005 at 09:57 PM
Major K, thanks for your blogging. I hope youcan understand how important the milblog has become to so many Americans. One year ago I was the only person I knew who even knew what a milblog was(thanks MSM). Now, everyone I consider a friend read several daily. Americas' next generation of leadership is being forged in the heat of Iraq and I for one am deeply humbled, insprired and grateful to all of you over there.
Please let the troops know too.
Also, to correct one of the earlier commenters, the vote in the House was 403 to 3 against immidiate withdrawal.
Thanks again, Streeter
Posted by: Streeter | November 19, 2005 at 11:43 PM
MajK-I agree with David's comments. One of the irksome traits of the media has been to sanctify one military veteran's viewpoint while ignoring other military veteran viewpoints. This is what happened this last week with Rep. Murtha. There were other military veterans in the House who spoke up but were ignored. Is Rep. Murtha's opinion the only one that counts to the media? Looks to me like it was a staging of an event. I also find it extremely distasteful the way any dissent from Rep. Murtha's opinions was treated as an assault on Rep. Murtha's and other Democrat's patriotism. I heard no one from the other side (Republicans) question anyone's patriotism. The tactic appears to be when all else fails and the topic needs to be changed then let's start to call names. Juvenile behavior.
Posted by: toni | November 20, 2005 at 12:53 AM
I couldn't agree more. I remember our troops coming back from 'Nam and then the killing began. That was the mistake of 'Nam, leaving before the standard was met.
Good post again, Major K. God bless and press on.
The vote was 403 to 3 to remain.
Posted by: Chevy Rose | November 20, 2005 at 01:32 AM
Good post...I agree with you completely,Major.
Posted by: Kat in GA | November 20, 2005 at 02:39 AM
Excellent post Sir, I found it interesting that even Murtha did not vote "aye". The three who did, if anyone is interested, are Cynthia McKinney (GA), Jose Serrano (NY), and Robert Wexler (FL)
We are behind you Major K, fighting the MSM and naysayers while you are there fighting and securing the area. Stay safe and God bless.
Posted by: Gypsy | November 20, 2005 at 03:15 AM
Bravo Major K!!! Excellent post. Ever thought of running a political campaign? We need men like you! Hope your wife and son are doing well. God bless. Julie Harris
Posted by: Julie Harris | November 20, 2005 at 05:05 AM
Why can't our elected officials state the mission as clearly and unambiguously as you just have? When you're done training the Iraqi soldiers--- how about running for office here? You've got my family's vote.
Posted by: Beth Lamm | November 20, 2005 at 06:25 AM
Superb and succinct description of the task. I really am sick and tired of high-paid politicians who do not have as clear thinking. I fear that Murtha learned the wrong lesson in Viet Nam, and should review the history of the Marines in other conflicts.
We are being steadily bombarded back here by the propaganda machine of the leftoids and AQ. It is an indication of the good judgement of the citizens of this nation that despite the daily onslaught of skewed news and outright lying by the press and democrats, the vast majority are against a pullout.
Posted by: Edward | November 20, 2005 at 08:10 AM
Well said, Maj "Dad"...and thank you for articulating what many democrats and left wing liberals seem to forget- that it took far longer than one year from the creation of the Dec.of Indep. to the ratification of the American Constitution.
What the Iraqi's have done in one year is a measure of how much they have embraced the process of democracy,and how committed they are to its continued success inspite of the terrorists attempts to derail freedom, and the left wing naysayers attempt to paint Iraq as a failed experiment!
It's a great start..but there is still much work to be done to meet the standard..and I thank God for our deployed troups who are willing to do that work and stand strong even as the national will seems in doubt.
Posted by: Huntress | November 20, 2005 at 10:19 AM
Thank you for your service. Thank you for your LEADERSHIP. and thank you for your comments!
Posted by: Dan | November 21, 2005 at 07:23 AM
Major K, I'm glad you have a good grasp of the political situation back home as well as your combat situation in Iraq. You must also be aware there are many back home who clearly understand the value and importance of your mission and who support you fully and who are grateful for your participation.
BTW, Congressman Murtha may be an honorable vet, but he has consistently been very anti-war in Iraq since well BEFORE we even entered Iraq. His current comments are nothing new, although MSM makes it sound as though he has just come to this conclusion.
Posted by: ET USN 71-78 | November 21, 2005 at 07:58 AM
A good book to read from John Murtha is "From Vietnam to 9/11". It explains a lot about his decision making and anti-war views. I very much respect his opinions. Just as ET USN 71-78 stated, his comments are nothing new and I admire John Murtha for standing his ground.
I now have two of my loved ones serving in Iraq and I fully support what they do - and my support for our fellow soldiers won't stop until the day I die. But I for one will never stop asking the "Why" and ultimate goal question. This is by no means intended to disrespect anyone on this board nor should it be taken as an anti-war speech. I fully believe that everyones opinion should be taken into consideration and respected. I know our boys are doing one hell of a good job over there and I'll always salute each and every one of them for that. I guess my biggest problem about the whole situation is the lack of straight answers from the White House when questioned. I agree a time frame for withdrawl out of Iraq should NEVER be publizised and it's pretty obvious that our soldiers are not going anywhere for quite some time. But the question of how long is fair and square.
Someone recently made a good comparison: Germany after WWII and where it stands now. It took a LONG time to establish true democracy in Germany and I for one would hate to see my loved ones in harms way for that period of time. Sorry for speaking from my heart, but I am a soldiers spouse and "live the nightmare" also. Each day that passes when two suits didn't knock on your door are considered good days and when you do hear a knock, your heart drops to your knees! Both my loved ones are in Rapid Deployment Units and we know very well the minimum of one-year tours they are serving at this time won't be the last ones in their careers.
It also would like to add that the whole ordeal regarding the vote they took was set up for failure from the get-go. I watched all the speeches given prior to the vote and the vote itself.
Posted by: SSG W's Wife | November 21, 2005 at 08:35 AM
Major K, yours is perhaps the most cogent analysis of the situation that I have read to date. Thank you for everything you're doing. Godspeed.
Posted by: membrain | November 21, 2005 at 05:53 PM
The curious thing is this: well meaning people who ask for a withdrawal timetable would never, ever suggest one in any other area of conflict. We will never hear a politician opposing a judicial nominee, for example, state that his party intends to filibuster for five days, and then give up if that effort has failed to achieve victory. Any set time for withdrawal merely tells the enemy to wait until that date, it's an obvious an unavoidable conclusion. It's a strange disconnect: so many people clearly understand the dynamics of conflict, yet refuse to apply that knowledge. It leads me to ask uncomfortable questions: do they really have our best interests at heart? Or do certain political groups in this nation view their political rivals as the real opponent, and terrorism as a minor issue?
Posted by: Ben | November 21, 2005 at 06:35 PM
The terrorists have to be dealt with before reconstruction can go fully ahead, because otherwise the terrorists will kill all the construction workers. They have killed many as it is.
The order of the bullet points is correct.
Posted by: Don Cox | November 21, 2005 at 07:43 PM
Major, your analysis is excellant. I also think what the Republicans did was necessary. They very simply ended a debate that could go no where and is mostly political posturiong for up coming elections.
We are dealing with an enemy that considers debate and negotiation a sign of weakness. We are dealing with an enemy that does not value life as it values death.
These people may ne nuts or fanatical buit they aren't stupid. They truly understand the value of media warfare. They know how to use it.
They know how to manipulate and play on popular emotions. They certainlly do an excellant job in capitolizing on the media coverage in America, or rather the lack thereof. They know that the Democratic Partry is in crisis. They are playing on that.
The Democrats need to get their house in order before the "The 527 Shadow Party" paid for by Poros, Fonda and the likes succeed in the Socialist' take over of the Party.Our contry men and women who are practicing their roght to free speech and assembly need to take a closer look at who is sponsoring their efforts nationally. ANSWER and Code Pink, are not interested in in the "Party" as a Democratic Party. They are making a very skilled and long planned take over with an extremely strong sociualists ideology. These groups are all under the umbrella of the Workers Party in one manner or another.
In the nineties they began an organized campaign to have their candidate as the Demicratic party Presidential candidate in 2008. Kucinich, Pelosi and many of the 62 members of the progressive Caucus are involved or officers in DSA. After a story came out in the late 90's the DSA changed their site. But I have personally read the officer's names on the old site. They are also using the labor caucus, NAACP, the Hispanic, NOW, the Immigrant workers groups
Posted by: devildog6771 | November 21, 2005 at 10:12 PM
You are right on Major K. Those advocating an immediate withdrawal have short memories. They have forgotten what happened in 'Nam and Cambodia when we cut and run. Stay safe Greg and hang in there. God Bless you and your wonderful family.
age 75
Korean War Vet-USAF 1951-1955
Posted by: Boe Simpson | November 21, 2005 at 10:53 PM
I am much harsher on Murtha than you because he is an elected representative of the people. He should know better than to give aid and comfort to the enemy. Make no mistake; that is exactly what he did. His supporters tried to use his war-hero status to insulate him from criticsm by those who have not had the honor of serving their country.
Murtha was also in the forefront of thse demanding the withdrawal of US forces from Somalia. We all know how Bin Ladin interpreted that action. Now Murtha proposes to give Bin Ladin the biggest propaganda prize he could imagine. That prize is a victory over the world's remaining super power. That is how it will be portrayed by Islamists across the world and that's what the Muslim masses will believe. They'd be right, too.
Posted by: Pat | November 21, 2005 at 11:38 PM