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December 25, 2005



Thank you very much for your service! Merry Christmas to everyone! Especially to all those men and women, civilian and military, Iraqi and non, working hard to build a country that will flourish and one in which we can call an ally in the continuing war against terrorism.

I feel sorry for anyone who gets on the bad list of that Santa manning the gun-turret!


Major K -- Merry Christmas to you and all the troops. Here's a great article about our heroes today from, of all places, the LA Times! Enjoy unwrapping it!! Thanks for protecting us!


MissBirdlegs in AL

Guess I'm a little late with this, but Merry Christmas, Maj! Y'all were in our homes & hearts this weekend.


Merry Christmas Major K... Merry Christmas to all the Troops too......


Merry Christmas, MajK.
And may the next one be with your wife and child.


It's a great feeling, isn't it?

I have a special friend in my life who calms me, centers me, and brings me more peace than I ever thought possible. It's absolutely amazing.

I know it wasn't a normal Christmas for you, but... oh man... the homecoming you'll receive in a few weeks will be outstanding!

Be safe, Major, and Merry Christmas.


Major, thanks to you and all the milbloggers I have been able to take what I thought were very difficult problems in my life and handle them in surprisingly easy ways. Your posting on the real problems of war make home life so much easier to deal with. Once again, all I can say is thanks to you and PLEASE thank every troop you come in contact with. We think them all to be Heros. My x-mas was better because of milbloggers. Our world is better because of you and your men. Again, please pass the message on.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Major K, to you and all our Military and their families. I'm happy to hear you will soon be reunited with your family and loved ones, may God keep you safe.

Chevy Rose

Merry Christmas to you and your buddies as well. We included you all in our blessing today at lunch. We will never forget that our freedoms and safety is dependent on your courage and sacrifice. God bless and wishing for a wonderful New Year.

Politics of a Patriot

Merry Christmas, Major K. Thank you so much for what all of you are doing.

David M

Merry Christmas Sir, and thank you for all you do.


Belated Merry Christmas, Major.

We're getting ready for our babysitting duties ;-)

Uncle G.


God Bless and keep up the great work.

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!

Always in our thoughts and prayers~

Don Cox

Maybe the Iraqis would be more peaceful if they didn't all have toothache from eating candies and drinking sweetened chai.


Sorry I'm so late, but I hope you all had the best christmas you could have, the food was good and you got a few packages that Santa flew with extra special care.


Oh I would of loved t see a pic of the Santa Soldier...
And a song from wife... so nice!

Daughter just now in her first few weeks of basic... Called Christmas and was so proud to tell me she hasn't cried once...lol

How cold is it there?

Warm Regards,



God bless you, your wife, and your son. I pray for you all every day. Thank you so much for all you do for us here at home.


Merry Christmas Major K. I'm very happy your wife sang such a beautiful song to you. I pray for all of your men and women to be victorious.

Thank you so much for your service. :)

Dawn Pletcher

Thank you and God Bless You Major K & your family & buddies for all you sacrifice every day so we can live in freedom in the USA! Best wishes for PEACE, JOY, GOOD HEALTH, & PROSPERITY in 2005!


Merry Christmas a bit late bro! We are so proud of you. Come home soon and safe- Ginny and all

Fyodor Garibaldi

We are the ones in whom gratitude wells. Thank YOU sir, for your service to our country!

David Oatney

Merry Christmas Major K...I do hope you'll continue to keep your blog going after you return home...we'd love to hear more from you.

Greta (Hooah Wife)

A belated Merry Christmas.I want pictures of that Santa!


Merry Christmas to you and yours, stay safe out there!


Best wishes to you and the "guys"! Stay safe and stay strong!

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